Manage human risk.

Why move from awareness to cultural integration?

Regulatory compliance, employee exposure, and human errors—your staff is constantly tested, and this can be costly for the company, both financially and reputationally.

Rethinking the strategy and dynamics for developing an effective and universally adopted cyber culture has become essential.

Erium leverages its partners and their expertise

Erium relies on the most innovative solutions on the market to offer a tailored awareness strategy that fits your specific cyber challenges.

With 12 years of expertise and a strong network of partners, Erium also engages recognized figures from the cybersecurity ecosystem to develop customized training programs. These programs ensure that your teams gain a better understanding of evolving risks and best practices.

A solid awareness strategy addresses your key challenges:

Reduction of human risks

By training employees through hands-on practice, an awareness strategy enables better retention and becomes effective in reducing human errors, which still frequently lie at the heart of security incidents.

Adaptation to evolving threats

AI-driven attacks, vishing, whaling, and increasingly sophisticated targeted phishing... threats are constantly evolving. In response, effective awareness training must continuously adapt to cybercriminals' tactics and be ongoing.

Regulatory compliance

DORA, NIS2, GDPR... The landscape of regulations related to digital security and data protection is constantly evolving. An effective awareness strategy must address compliance challenges in data protection and security, ensuring that no employee falls behind.

Strengthening the security culture

Strengthening the security culture: By embedding cybersecurity into the company’s culture and positioning each employee at the heart of the organization’s defense strategy, an effective awareness strategy fosters a true cyber culture with a positive dynamic, benefiting everyone!

Why choose a human risk management strategy?

Human Risk Management (HRM) goes beyond traditional Security Awareness Training by placing people at the core of the cybersecurity strategy.

Unlike standard training, which is often sporadic, HRM starts with the risk profile of each individual to tailor security measures to specific behaviors, focusing on targeted effectiveness. Erium embraces this proactive approach to deliver a more precise and sustainable response to modern threats.

Adapt to current threats

Attackers are constantly reinventing themselves: the rise of new threats such as AI-driven phishing, vishing (fraudulent calls), and increasingly sophisticated ransomware campaigns.

It is crucial to train for these threats in order to better detect and respond effectively. Erium offers immersive, hands-on content: your employees will face real-world scenarios, providing a practical approach that ensures concrete preparation, far beyond mere theory.

How can we support you?

We work with our clients on long-term cyber culture transformation projects, as well as on targeted, high-impact initiatives.

Our areas of expertise include:

  • Assessment of cyber culture and human risk
  • Implementation of cyber culture engagement dynamics
  • Cyber onboarding for new hires
  • Videos and communication materials
  • Custom training programs
  • Selection of the best awareness, training, and competency evaluation solutions

Supporting the entire banking and insurance sector.

Erium is proud to collaborate with the Forum des Compétences, a representative association of the banking and insurance sector. Together, Erium and the Forum des Compétences are working on developing a benchmark for the best cybersecurity awareness strategies, while also assessing the effectiveness and positioning of various solutions available on the market.

This partnership, aimed at strengthening the security and resilience of the sector against threats, has already resulted in the publication of two white papers in 2023 and 2024.

What are the key steps of effective cybersecurity awareness?

Raise awareness and train

Generate interest in the topic. Use executive speeches, hack demos, team challenges, cyber villages, or cybersecurity months. These activities will help you seamlessly follow up with regular actions.

Hands-on learning is key to effective training: immerse your teams in real-world scenarios, putting them in the shoes of a hacker so they can learn how to detect and respond to attack attempts.

Test and evaluate

Regular testing allows you to measure the awareness levels of your employees. By simulating realistic scenarios, you can quickly identify risks. This data is essential for adjusting your training programs.

By implementing frequent evaluations, you ensure that your teams are always prepared to respond effectively to threats, while maintaining a high level of engagement.

Optimize and manage

Based on the results of the evaluations, adjust your training to address the specific risks of each group.

Teams receive targeted content tailored to their level and needs. This approach allows you to prioritize the most critical threats and ensure continuous awareness, aligned with the evolving cyber threat landscape.

Cyber Investigation, a trusted partner solution

Cyber Investigation is an immersive cybersecurity awareness solution that places your employees in the shoes of a hacker, enabling learning through action. Available in 20 languages and used by over a million people, the platform offers quizzes to assess business risks and provides real-time reporting.

Live events and guidance from Cyber Investigation coaches create a collective dynamic to optimize your security strategies.

Client testimonial

Mirakl, a software publisher and major player in online commerce, chose the Cyber Investigation solution to enhance employee awareness during Cyber Month 2023.

Faced with the challenge of effectively engaging teams, Cyber Investigation emerged as a fun and immersive solution, deployed in two phases with a competitive element among employees.

User feedback has been very positive, with a significant increase in engagement. “For a CISO, one of the biggest challenges is capturing the attention of the teams. With Cyber Investigation, this problem is solved.”

Focus on Cyber Investigation features

Apprentissage par la pratique

  • Challenges collectifs ou individuels : entrez dans la peau d’un hacker !
  • Quizz
  • Fiches réflexes
  • Vidéos
  • Tests et évaluations
  • Animations en live : démos de hack, prises de paroles dirigeants, etc.

Focus on Cyber Investigation features

Analyse des KPI

  • Statistiques d’usage : utilisateurs actifs, temps moyen de connexion, etc.
  • Engagement avec un suivi des parcours par groupes d’utilisateurs
  • Maturité par risques : ransomware, phishing, conformité, etc.

Focus on Cyber Investigation features

User management

  • User management: add users, close missions, open missions, anonymize, etc.
  • Group management: add groups by function (IT, HR, Sales, Marketing, Finance), send emails by group, import users by group, deactivate groups, etc.

Focus on Cyber Investigation features

Training pathway calendar

  • Start and end dates for each pathway
  • Names of pathways with their status (not started, in progress, completed)
  • Number of pathways per module
  • Type of pathway (live event, course)
  • Possible actions (lock, activate)

Focus on Cyber Investigation features

Tools provided

  • Data export by user, group, overall maturity, etc.
  • Preview of all modules
  • User notifications
  • Communication kit to personalize awareness communication

What is the best strategy?

Emilien Marimpouy, founder of Cyber Investigation, addresses the dilemmas of cybersecurity awareness!

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Latest technical indicators, press articles, white papers, cybersecurity monitoring, webinars, market trends, expert insights, solutions, glossary.